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atractylodes rhizome, known in Chinese medicine as Cāng zhú, has a very special place in herbal medicine. Very fragrant, atractylodes belongs to the category of aromatic herbs that transform dampness and used in many formulas to treat internal dampness and conditions like diarrhea, epigastric distention and pressure, fatigue, vomiting, headaches, body aches, nasal congestion, arthritis and more.

But not so many people know about its secret power: Cang Zhu is super strong for fighting viruses and bacteria. And for this you don’t have to brew it- it’s needs to be burned.

Due to its strong antiviral and antibacterial properties, Atractylodes owes its unique bio-chemical composition. Atractylodes contains 3.5%-5.6% volative oil.

Also, the following components have very strong antiviral and antibacterial functions:

  • Beta-eudesmol
  • Alfa-bisabol
  • 3 beta-hydroxyatrectylon
  • 3 beta-acetoxyatractylon
  • Atractylodinol
  • Acetylatractylodinol

The incense of fumigant made of Cang Zhu is lethal to various viruses (mumps, influenza and polyhedral), mycoplasma (orale and pneumoniae), beta-streptococcus and staphylococcus aureus), and fungi such as aspergillus flavus. The bacteria becomes deformed and degenerated after fumigation with Cang Zhu.

You can use it as inhalation also. Just add Cang Zhu into hot steamy water and breath over it. Under the influence of hot water, essential oils begin to stand out from the rhizome and, rising with the steam, have a strong local antiviral and antibacterial effect.

How to use Cang Zhu incense?

Ingredients you need:

  • Cang Zhu
  • Mortar and pestle or coffee grinder
  • Metal or thick ceramic dish
  • Coarse salt or sand
  • Huukah charcoal
  • Lighter

Instruction to burn:

  1. Crush Cang Zhu (If herb feels dump on touch- fry for 1-2 min to make it dryer) and then crush.
  2. Place salt or sand in the dish.
  3. Light huukah charcoal, place in the dish and burn it until the charcoal gets a ring of ash. Now it’s ready to burn herb.
  4. Place herb in the middle of the charcoal and weight until it’s charred. Remove with spoon or knife and add more herb. Use Cang Zhu once a day for 10 min in each room during epidemic outbreaks.

To make the charcoal burn faster, tap the ashes off. For a slower burn, leave the ashes. The charcoal will last around an hour.

References: Chinese materia medica: chemistry, pharmacology and applications
by You-Ping Zhu.

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